Once you know within which frameworks you wish to conduct drone operations, it is time to apply for an operational authorisation (OA) from the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (Dutch aviation authority ILT). This process is quite involved. Not only does an operations manual need to be prepared, but often also a SORA (specific category operational risk assessment). Furthermore, EASA and ILT continually impose new requirements, which can sometimes be difficult to meet, causing delays. Current knowledge is therefore essential when starting an OA application. To this end, we have developed a two-day workshop for those who prefer to do it ‘in house’ (themselves). Additionally, we collaborate with the highly experienced consultancy Unmanned Value. Besides simple OA applications, they can also arrange a LUC for you and have experience with drone-in-a-box and BVLOS (beyond visual line of sight) permit processes.
Advice on implementing unmanned aviation within your organisation
Now that the introduction of European drone regulations is behind us, many organisations are considering integrating drones into their business processes. Consulting with a subject matter expert can be beneficial. It’s easy to fantasize about what a drone can do without considering legal limitations. Sometimes, better solutions than using a drone exist, and it’s important to know which upcoming developments (technical and regulatory) to anticipate. Then there’s implementation; where do you start with such a project? How do you set priorities? What are the total costs? What is feasible and what are long-term options? What are my competitors around the world doing with drones? And if I can deploy those drones, what does that mean for my customer? These are some of the questions that can be addressed during a consultation and in the development of a research report. Feel free to contact us for an initial, free consultation on-site or via a video call.
Advice on EASA training for remote pilots
With our years of experience as a drone operator, recognised trainer, and developer of EASA learning materials, we are uniquely positioned to provide you with tailored advice on training for remote pilots who will be flying within the EASA specific category. In addition to the requirements for the operator, there are numerous requirements that EASA imposes on remote pilots. Learning objectives and training requirements have been formulated for this, which Dutch Drone Academy has incorporated into training programs. During a consultation on training, we will address the requirements stemming from your organisation (safety management, legal framework), your operations to be carried out (manual and/or desired future operations), and of course, the latest EASA requirements (standard scenario training, specific category requirements, endorsement modules, type training, etc.). Feel free to schedule an appointment (on-site or via a video call) with our consultants to learn more.